VTC – Press Release

Bridging the gap between Veterans and Employers
Local Veteran owned business brings unique services to small and midsized companies
Dallas, Texas – November 2018
Veterantaxcredits.com (VTC), today announced the launch of its new web-based platform. The company has created a unique offering of services to both Veterans and businesses.
“We are thrilled to announce our new web-based services platform that provides an affordable way to source and hire Veterans”, says CEO and Owner, Craig Washburn (Navy Veteran). “To many small and mid-sized businesses are missing out on some of the best talent available in today’s marketplace. We are bridging that gap.”
What makes VTC different is they have brought forward service offerings for both the Veteran and the employer. They provide education and processing for the Worker Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) which many businesses are unfamiliar with today. The WOTC allows employers to earn tax credits for hiring Veterans, up to $9600.00. They also provide an applicant tracking system to help those businesses find Veterans. VTC helps Veterans get pre-certified through the Department of Labor WOTC program. This helps them market themselves and stand out to businesses against other candidates.
“We are in a very competitive job market. Veterans need a way to market themselves and have a competitive edge. Businesses need access to exceptional talent and find creative ways to increase their bottom line. But many businesses are leaving dollars on the table because they don’t know about or don’t know how to utilize this valuable government program. We have removed the mystery. Why wouldn’t you hire exceptional Veteran talent and get a tax credit to do so?” says Washburn.
To learn more about VTC, you can visit their website at Veterantaxcredits.com or call 1-833-759-VETS.